
Game Schedules

Referee Assignments

Field Locations

Game Change Request

Disclaimer: The Rules and Regulations below have been modified for a better digital experience. The content has not changed, however, the layout has. For the official Rules and Regulations, please click the PDF link to the right of this text.


B.1 CASL Website
B.2 Insurance
B.3 Emergency Procedures
B.4 Sportsmanship
B.5 Playing Time Requirements
B.6 Age Limits
B.7 Proof of Age
B.8 Tournaments
B.9 Player Financial Aid
B.10 Coach Financial Aid
B.11 Field Grants
B.12 Other Matters
C.1 Guidelines for Player Eligibility
C.2 Team Formation and Organization
C.3 Tryouts
C.4 Conditions
C.5 Other Matters
D.1 Code of Ethics for Coaches
D.2 Coach Licenses
D.3 Risk Management Cards
D.4 Maximum Number of Team Officials
E.1 Team and Player Registration Forms
E.7 Player Registration on a Team
E.8 Dual Registration
E.9 Club Pass Card
F.1 Game Report Rosters
F.2 Pass Cards
F.3 Team Bench
F.4 Rules of Play
F.5 Grace Period
F.6 Official Game
F.7 Coaching from the Sidelines
F.8 Player Substitutions
F.9 Referee Payment
F.10 Distance for Games
G.1. Disciplinary Authority Concerning Persons
G.2. Coaches Responsibility
G.3. Minimum Punishments
G.4. Poaching
H.1. Protests
I.1. Uniforms
I.2. Equipment
J.1. Field Conditions
K.1. Scheduling
K.2. Rescheduling
K.3. Minimum Number of Players
K.4. Games-Cancellations-Postponements.
L.1. League Standings.
L.2. Score Reporting.
L.3. Guidelines for Team Placement Into Divisions.


The purpose and governance of Capital Area Soccer League, a Michigan nonprofit corporation (CASL), are set forth in CASL’s Bylaws. CASL is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization as recognized by the IRS.


B.1 CASL Website
CASL currently maintains a website at where it will publish changes to these Rules and Regulations, forms, and other information for players, coaches and other team personnel, parents, referees and fans. References to the CASL website shall mean or any other website operated by CASL.

B.2 Insurance
All players registered by CASL shall be required to have in effect a medical insurance program as approved by the Michigan State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA). Cost for this coverage is included in the individual registration fee. Should there be need for an insurance claim, the claimant (guardian if player is under 18 years of age) will notify the insurance company through MSYSA at 734-459-6220 or as MSYSA may otherwise direct.

B.3 Emergency Procedures
All teams should have an Emergency Action Plan for their practice and game locations. All teams MUST have access to Medical Release forms (paper copy or electronic) at all games and practices.

B.4 Sportsmanship
All players, coaches, parents, fans, and referees will show good sportsmanship. Each team shall be responsible for the conduct of its coaches, managers, players, parents, and fans. It is the responsibility of each team to ensure that its actions on or off the field do not bring disrespect upon this league.

B.5 Playing Time Requirements
Minimum playing time per player shall be 1/3 of the game, unless the player is subject to reasonable team discipline or injury, WHICH SHALL BE CLEARLY COMMUNICATED BY THE COACH TO THE PLAYER AND FAMILY before the game begins.

B.6 Age Limits
The term “youth” shall mean any amateur player who will not attain his or her 19th birthday in the calendar year in which they apply for registration. Players attaining the limiting age for any group on or after January 1st will be eligible to play for the remainder of the seasonal year. All teams, unless otherwise approved by the CASL Board of Directors, shall divide playing in the following age groupings:

  • Under 19 years
  • Under 16 years
  • U15 Non-High School
  • Under 13 years
  • Under 12 years
  • Under 11 years
  • Under 10 years
  • Under 9 years

B.7 Proof of Age
All players must provide proof of birth once in their lifetime of playing in CASL. Proof of birth can be birth certificate, Passport, Adoption Certificate, or Certificate of Naturalization, or School Record shall be sufficient for proof of age.

B.8 Tournaments
MSYSA is to be notified of all tournaments entered out of state. A Notice to Travel must be submitted via the MSYSA/GotSoccer website. All GUEST players to play with CASL affiliated teams must fill out and submit the Guest Roster application to MSYSA in accordance with MSYSA rules. These forms can be obtained by contacting MSYSA or visiting the website, currently

B.9 Player Financial Aid
Subject to the limits and conditions set forth below, CASL will provide player financial aid to all players in need of financial assistance. The application will be submitted via the CASL website Financial Aid form. The total funds requested is not to exceed $75.00 per season for a Community Select team player, or $250.00 per Fall or Spring season for a Premier Program player. CASL will provide up to an annual budgeted amount for such requests and will base all requests upon funds available per season. The application deadline is August 1 for the Fall season and March 1 for the Spring season and any applications received after these dates may be denied. The Financial Aid Sub Committee will have the authority to waive the maximum number of allotments per team as they see fit. No player will receive financial aid for both a CASL team and a premier club. All players receiving financial assistance from CASL are expected to provide 3 hours of volunteer service to a CASL sponsored event, via their Community organization.

B.10 Coach Financial Aid
Subject to the limits and conditions set forth below, CASL will provide coaching financial aid to those coaches of CASL teams who obtain a USSF coaching license, or an NSCAA USC coaching diploma. The coach must be coaching a CASL affiliated team currently (in the seasonal year the licensing course is taken) or intending to coach a CASL affiliated team in the following seasonal year and have been approved to coach that team in CASL. The maximum financial aid per coach per calendar year will not exceed 50% of the tuition cost or course fee of obtaining any license or diploma. Application for financial aid must be received from the coach with a copy of the license, and be in written form submitted to the CASL Treasurer.

B.11 Field Grants
Subject to the limits and conditions set forth below, communities are responsible for providing their own game fields. Any attendant expenses are the responsibility of the community and/or team. Matching fund grants are available through CASL up to $500.00 per year per community for field improvement, although not for routine maintenance (mowing, lining, etc).

B.12 Other Matters
Any matters not provided for in these rules and regulations shall be determined by the CASL Board of Directors and decisions so made shall be binding.


C.1 Guidelines for Player Eligibility
CASL was established to allow the maximum number of players to play soccer at a competitive level in a community context. Community is defined as the school district in which a player attends school. The exception is that private and/or parochial schools are considered school districts, and teams can be formed for players attending private and/or parochial schools. Teams must have a roster containing at least 51% of players who attend school in their community. Teams are formed within the school district boundaries and in accordance with the CASL team formation rules. CASL may also register Independent Teams, which are not associated with any specific community or CASL Members (as defined in the Bylaws), in accordance with rule C5.

C.2 Team Formation and Organization
Teams U11 and older that have won the top division in a spring or fall season will be afforded the opportunity to play the subsequent fall or spring season with an age group one year older, subject to all other CASL formation team rules, and subject to timely application by the coach or club. Any such team so moved up will be subject to review by the Board of Directors, and may be returned to its age-appropriate division for subsequent seasons. Qualified U15 Non- High School teams may apply to play up at U16 if no U15 division is available, but no team may otherwise play with an age group that is two years older.

Girls are allowed to play on boys teams if and only if there is no girls team available in their appropriate age group within the community. Girls cannot utilize the club passcard rule to participate on a boys team. Boys are never allowed to participate on girls teams.

C.3 Tryouts
Except for teams in any Recreational Program sponsored by or affiliated with CASL, communities MUST conduct open tryouts for team selection. Unless otherwise RESTRICTED by MSYSA or the Michigan State Premier Soccer Program (MSPSP), tryouts may be conducted at any time after the 2nd

Saturday in June and prior to July 15th for fall team formation and prior to February 15th for spring teams. Notice for team open tryouts must be given to all schools in the community where players of the applicable age attend, as well as taking other reasonable measures (e.g. newspaper notice) to ensure that players in the community are aware of the tryouts. In striving for impartiality and fairness, coaches are encouraged to include evaluators not associated with the team who are familiar with the demands of select team play, such as other current or former CASL coaches, former CASL players, or CASL or other community Board members, etc.

C.4 Conditions
For teams playing in 11 v 11 divisions, a minimum of thirteen (13) players registered with CASL. U13- U19 teams may register a maximum of twenty-two (22) players, though only eighteen may appear in one match.

  • For teams playing in 9 v 9 divisions, a minimum of seven (7) players and a maximum of sixteen (16) players registered with CASL.
  • For teams playing in 7 v 7 divisions, a minimum of six (6) players and a maximum of twelve (12) players registered with CASL.
  • At least 51% of all rostered players MUST be age-appropriate. The appropriate age is determined by the calendar year.
  • Up to 49% of a team’s rostered players may play two (2) age groups up.

C.5 Other Matters
Independent Teams are soccer teams registered with CASL that are not associated with any specific community or CASL Members, as defined in the Bylaws. These teams must apply for registration directly to the CASL Board, submit a roster of players detailing the school district each player attends. Independent Teams do not possess voting power within the CASL organization and are not entitled to representation in its governance. They are required to re-register with CASL every year, and failure to do so will result in automatic removal from CASL’s list of registered teams. The CASL Board of Directors reserves the right to summarily expel any Independent Team by resolution, without prior notice or a hearing, and such expulsion decisions are final and binding. Independent Teams must comply with all CASL team formation rules, except where specific provisions for Independent Teams are outlined in this rule, and the total number of players from any given community on an Independent Team cannot exceed 50% of the number of players fielded for Member-associated teams in that community. If the Member that represents the community has fielded zero teams, this restriction shall not apply.


D.1 Code of Ethics for Coaches
Individuals intending to coach teams sponsored by or affiliated with CASL will be held to a Code of Ethics. The coach should also note that parents/guardians of players on their team might also be asked to complete forms that evaluate their coaching behavior. If the CASL Board of Directors determines that the behavior of the coach is inappropriate, the coach will be notified. The coach may be called before the CASL Board of Directors or CASL Discipline and Appeals Committee for review and will be subject to disciplinary action.

D.2 Coach Licenses
All CASL coaches MUST obtain at least a USSF Grassroots Coaching license within one (1) year of coaching any CASL team. Coaches not following this rule or obtaining this license will be subject to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the CASL Board of Directors.

D.3 Risk Management Cards
All coaches and team managers must apply for and receive a risk management Clearance from MSYSA via GotSport. All bench personnel must have their Risk Management card at games in either printed or electronic form.

D.4 Maximum Number of Team Officials
The maximum number of team officials that can be registered with each CASL team is three (3). One of the three must be designated as head coach. The other two positions may be any combination of Assistant Coach and/or Manager. Teams can have unlimited team officials, but only three can act as coaches, assistant coaches, and managers at any one game.


E.1 Team and Player Registration Forms
Team registration must be submitted to CASL by July 15th for fall team formation, and February 15th for spring team formation.

Proof of age must be uploaded to Gotsport once in a player’s lifetime.

E.2 – E.6 (additional team and player registrations information)

E.2 Team invoices will be due August 31 for the fall season and March 31 for the spring season. Teams with an outstanding balance on September 1 for the fall season and April 1 for the spring season will incur a $50 late fee. If a team continues to have an outstanding balance, they will incur a $50 fine per game played without their invoice being paid. If the invoice remains outstanding at the end of the season, the club will be responsible for the total invoice amount including late fine(s). No teams from the club will be allowed to register for the following season until the balance(s) is paid.

E.3 If a team drops out after July 15 for the fall season or February 15 for the spring season, that team will be fined an amount equal to the individual registration fee times the minimum roster for that age group.

E.4 The following items must be submitted via the online system by August 1st for fall team formation and March 1st for spring team formation.

  • Individual player registration.
  • Proof of high school attendance for all U-14 age eligible players to be placed on the roster for teams registering to play in the U-16 or U-19 division.


E.5 No individual player registrations will be accepted after September 10 for the fall and April 10 for the spring. Players who register after August 1 for the fall and March 1 for the spring will incur a $25 late player fee. Late individual registrations can only be submitted via the Late Player Form on the CASL website and will only be valid when payment is made. No refunds will be given for player registration fees after September 10 for the fall season or April 10 for the spring season.

E.6 The team officials collect and retain the following items:

  • A photograph of each player and team official on the team roster to be uploaded in the GotSport system.
  • Medical Release for each player on the team roster to be uploaded to the Gotsport system.
  • A CDC Heads Up concussion form, dated and complete with printed and signed names for player and parent uploaded to the Gotsport system.

E.7 Player Registration on a Team
Any player registered to a team is bound to that team for the entire seasonal (Fall/Spring) year. Exceptions to this rule are: the team of original registration suspends operation; the player moves to a new location, a distance that would make it impractical for continuing with the original team; or the current team coach gives the player a release. In all cases the CASL Board of Directors must be notified of the change. No refunds will be given for a registered player after September 1 for the fall season and April 1 for the spring season.

E.8 Dual Registration
Unless otherwise prohibited by MSYSA or MSPSP, dual registration is permitted. It is the responsibility of the player to complete any paperwork required by either team or league.

E.9 Club Pass Card
A club pass card is only to be used for the purposes of enhancing player development and fielding an adequate number of players (including substitutes) in order to play a game. The best interests of the pass card player are to be given priority when determining whether or not to roster him or her for a game. The club pass card is never to be used as a means to “stack” the team with more skilled players for the sole purpose of bettering the team’s chance for victory. If a trend to this effect is discovered, the coach and team may be subject to disciplinary action. Players registered to a CASL USSF registered team may use their CASL player pass card to play for another CASL USSF registered team from the same community club pursuant to the following conditions:


  • All players using the club passcard rule must be registered players within CASL.
    The club passcard can only be used within a club. Players from one club cannot get a club passcard for another club.
  • The club passcard rule cannot be used to exceed game day roster limits.
    All suspensions incurred by a player using the club passcard rule will be served with the team they are permanently rostered to.
  • U12 and below teams will only be allowed to have a maximum of three (3) club passcard players per game. U13 and above teams will only be allowed to have a maximum of five (5) club passcard players.
  • Per Rule C.2., girls cannot utilize the Club Passcard Rule to play on a boys team.
  • If a community has two teams in the same division, players on those two teams are not allowed to Club Pass Card to the other team in the same division.
  • Club Pass Card players should have their information added to the match card, including USSF player ID, full name, and birth month/year.


F.1 Game Report Rosters
A team official must check players before the game with the referee utilizing the printed match card from Gotsport. Coaches are encouraged to contact the GLASRA Referee Liaison with any concerns, complaints and/or positive feedback on any referee (GLASRA’s current website is

F.2 Pass Cards
Hard copies of passcards should be printed via Gotsport and presented to the referee with the match card at checkin.

F.3 Team Bench
Teams shall occupy opposite touchlines (sidelines). Parents/fans must occupy the same touchline as their respective team. No person is allowed to occupy the area behind either goal line. All players, coaches and spectators must maintain at least a one (1) yard setback from each touchline during game play. Subject to the setback requirement, coaches may freely move along their respective touchline between the top of each goal area. The home team shall have the choice of preferred touchlines. When standing on their team’s sideline facing the field, players and coaches should take the right half of the field, and spectators the left half.

F.4 Rules of Play
Rules of play shall be the laws of the game as published by FIFA. All contests sanctioned by this league abide by the “Laws of the Game” and the modifications as published by CASL in these RULES and GUIDELINES.
The number of field players, length of games, ball size, circumference and weight:
Number of Field Players, Game Length, and Ball Size:

  • U-19: 11 v 11, Two 45 min. Halves, Size #5
  • U-16: 11 v 11, Two 40 min. Halves, Size #5
  • U15 Non-High School: 11 v 11, Two 35 min. Halves, Size #5
  • U-13: 11 v 11, Two 35 min. Halves, Size #5
  • U-12: 9v9, Two 30 min. Halves, Size #4
  • U-11: 9v9, Two 30 min. Halves, Size #4
  • U-10: 7v7, Two 25 min. Halves, Size #4
  • U-9: 7v7, Two 25 min. Halves, Size #4


Special Rules for U10 and Below:

  1. No charging the goalkeeper when the keeper has possession in the form of at least one finger on the ball.
  2. No slide tackling; foul results in indirect kick for the other team.
  3. All free kicks are indirect; free kicks awarded for foul occurring within the penalty area shall be awarded outside the penalty area at the nearest point to where the foul occurred (no penalty kicks).
  4. Multiple throw-in attempts are allowed at the referee’s discretion.
  5. Substitutions allowed as per general CASL rule.


Special Rule for U11 and U12:

  1. No charging the goalkeeper when the keeper has possession in the form of at least one hand on the ball.

F.5 Grace Period
A fifteen (15) minute grace period will be allowed for all games before start.

Any team not ready to play after the grace period has expired shall forfeit the
game. If the referee is not present by the end of the grace period, the game is
not official.

F.6 Official Game
Two halves of play shall constitute an official game unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the team coaches. In the event a game must be suspended because of conditions, which make it impossible to continue play, the game shall be declared an official game if one complete half or more of the game has been played. If less than one half of the game has been played, the game must be rescheduled and played in its entirety. (See Rescheduling guideline) If the game has to be rescheduled, the teams must pay the referees for both the original (aborted) game and the rescheduled game when played. At LEAST ONE certified USSF referee MUST be present for a game to be deemed official. “Club Linesman” can be used in case of shortages of referees. Teams are not obligated to pay “club” linesman, nor does the team pay for the third official by surrendering funds for the full three-referee crew to be split amongst the officials that work the game. It is advisable that coaches, assistant coaches and managers/trainers not be considered as a referee (center) for their own team’s match.

F.7 Coaching from the Sidelines
Coaches/assistants and managers/trainers are permitted to give their own
team points of strategy and position. The coaching tone of voice is to be
informative, positive and not a harangue. No team personnel may use voice
amplifying devices or noisemakers of any kind.

F.8 Player Substitutions
Substitutions of players during the game, from the centerline of the field, may
be with the consent of the referee at the following times:

  1. Prior to a throw-in in that team’s favor.
  2. Prior to a goal kick by either team.
  3. After a goal by either team, when play has been stopped.
  4. At half time.
  5. After an injury, a bench player may be substituted for the injured player. The other team may substitute a like number of player(s). Substitution can occur only after the referee stops the play and acknowledges the injury.
  6. After a caution (yellow card) has been administered, the cautioned player may be replaced by a bench player if the request to substitute is brought to the attention of the referee before the game has been restarted. If the player is substituted for, the other team may substitute one player.

F.9 Referee Payment
If the referees show up for a game, they get paid. Refs must be paid prior to the start of the game.

F.10 Distance for Games
If the distance between two teams is more than 50 miles, the visiting team may request a neutral game site. This request must be made within the grace period of scheduling. Once the schedule is posted and final, the request for a neutral game site will be considered a reschedule request and will incur all fees associated with a game change.


G.1. Disciplinary Authority Concerning Persons
The CASL Board of Directors has authority to bar completely, suspend, or otherwise discipline, any player, coach, team manager, team assistant, player parent, member of the CASL Board of Directors, Committee member, CASL team, Premier Program team sponsored by, affiliated with or representing CASL, or Recreational Program team sponsored by, affiliating with or representing CASL for unacceptable behavior or conduct either in carrying out the duties of their position or while holding the aforementioned office and/or positions. The CASL Board of Directors has the ultimate authority to determine if any discipline needs to be issued on any or all issues concerning players, team officials or referees affiliated with CASL.

G.2. Coaches Responsibility
Each coach is responsible for the conduct of his assistants, players, parents, and fans, and shall ensure that they abide by all applicable rules, including tournament and inter-league rules, as well as CASL and MSYSA rules.

G.3. Minimum Punishments
All rules and minimum punishments stated below will be followed UNLESS MSYSA RULES are stricter than the CASL rules. Please note that a caution or send off (yellow card or red card) is not necessary for a suspension to be issued by CASL.

  1. ANY player guilty of FIGHTING before, during or after games shall receive a two (2) game suspension.
  2. ANY player guilty of USING PROFANITY, offensive, insulting, or abusive language, either by word or sign, against other players, coaches, spectators, referees, or any league official shall receive a two (2) game suspension.
  3. ANY player guilty of (ejected for) VIOLENT CONDUCT or SERIOUS FOUL PLAY shall receive a two (2) game suspension.
  4. ANY player guilty of (ejected for) a Foul that denies obvious goal-scoring opportunity shall receive up to a two (2) game suspension.
  5. ANY player guilty of (ejected for) a second cautionable offense shall receive a one (1) game suspension.
  6. ANY player guilty of making THREATENING GESTURES against other players, coaches, spectators, referees, or any league official shall receive a one (1) game suspension.
  7. ANY player guilty of PUSHING OR STRIKING any coach, referee, or official shall receive a one (1) year suspension.
  8. Coaches or team officials who make threatening gestures or use threatening language to other players, coaches league officials or referees shall be disciplined according to the following: First time – two (2) game suspension; Second time – four (4) game suspension and the offender shall appear before the MSYSA Board; Third time – Life suspension from CASL.
  9. Coaches or team officials who fight at any time (prior to a game start, during a game or after the game has concluded) shall be disciplined according to the following: First-time offense – minimum one (1) year suspension; second offense – life suspension from CASL.
  10. Players who receive three (3) yellow cards during a season will receive a one (1) game suspension. This suspension is to be served in the game immediately following the issuance of the third yellow card. Failure of the coach to follow this procedure will result in an additional game suspension.
  11. Any team that has a player or coach ejected from a game (including 2 cautions) will be required to pay a $25.00 fine to CASL for the first offense and a $50.00 fine for each subsequent ejection. Any player or coach who participates in a game without a valid pass card under this rule shall cause his/her team to forfeit each game that he/she participates in and be subject to disciplinary procedures deemed by the CASL Board of Directors.
  12. Any team that has accumulated 5 ejections (red cards) for players or team officials in one season MUST appear before the CASL Board of Directors and are subject to discipline as determined by the CASL Board of Directors. Upon getting a 5th ejection, CASL coaches must contact the CASL President within 48 hours to schedule a team appearance to the CASL Board of Directors. Failure to contact the CASL President shall result in forfeiture of games and/or affiliation with CASL as determined by the CASL Board of Directors.
  13. Coaches who receive two (2) yellow cards during a season will receive a one (1) game suspension.

    The suspension received at the end of a season will carry over and be served at the beginning of the following season.

    ANY coach, team manager, team official, or player who knowingly alters any team roster, player passcard, or causes any team roster or player pass card issued by CASL to be altered or affixes or causes to be affixed to any CASL issued pass card a photograph of any person other than the person named on the pass card or falsifies any player’s birth date or causes any birth date to be falsified can receive up to a SEVEN (7) YEAR suspension from CASL as determined by the CASL Board of Directors.

    ANY coach, player or team official who knowingly changes teams within a given seasonal obligation or quits a team to join another team without following proper procedure is considered to be poaching or participating in poaching activity. The CASL Board of Directors will determine this activity and discipline will be sanctioned under the determination of the CASL Board of Directors.

    ANY player who does not pay his/her financial obligations for any CASL affiliated team, (community select or Premier Program) that player will not be allowed to continue to play for any other CASL affiliated team; discipline for that player will be determined by the CASL Board of Directors.

    All suspensions shall be in addition to the game during which the infraction occurs. If the infraction occurs prior to the start of the game, the suspension shall be in addition to that game. Any team official who is ejected must leave the immediate area of the field. Any player ejected from the game may remain on the bench as long as they are not disruptive, but may not participate in the rest of the game. It is recommended that the player remove his/her jersey so as not to be confused with substituted players for the remaining portions of the game.

    In the event of serious or consistent inappropriate behavior on the part of any team, the CASL Board of Directors, or disciplinary committee thereof, reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including suspension of the offending team from CASL.

    ANY team that forfeits a game already played because of any infraction to the CASL rules will be required to pay a $20.00 fine to CASL. All fines are the responsibility of the club. If a club fails to submit payment of the fine(s) prior to the end of the season, the fine(s) will be doubled and that club will not be allowed to register any team for the next season until the fine(s) is/are paid.

    ANY team that chooses to forfeit a game and contacts the CASL Scheduler at least four hours before the match in question will be required to pay a $20.00 fine to CASL. All fines are the responsibility of the club. If a club fails to submit payment of the fine(s) prior to the end of the season, the fine(s) will be doubled and that club will not be allowed to register any team for the next season until the fine(s) is/are paid.

    ANY team that chooses to forfeit a game and fails to contact the CASL Scheduler at least four hours before the match in question will be required to pay the entire referee fee(s) for that game and a $20.00 fine to CASL. All fines are the responsibility of the club. If a club fails to submit payment of the referee fee(s) and the fine(s) prior to the end of the season, the fine(s) will be doubled and that club will not be allowed to register any team for the next season until the fine(s) and referee fee(s) are paid.

    All fees due to misconduct will be added to the Club’s registration bill the following season.


G.4. Poaching

  1. Any person or any club or team which, through its responsible officers or representatives:


  1. Attempts at any time prior to tryouts of any seasonal year to induce a registered player (or their parent or guardian) of any team sponsored by, or affiliated with or representing CASL or any of its programs, to leave his/her team before the end of the current season.
  2. Attempts at any time prior to tryouts of the seasonal year to induce the player to leave their team for the following seasonal year; shall be deemed to have committed a poaching offense. The CASL Board of Directors may deal with the offense and punishment if the person, club or team committing the offense is sponsored by, affiliated with or representing CASL or any of its programs. The CASL Board of Directors may also report any poaching offense to MSYSA or MSPSP.


H.1. Protests
Should any person or team want to protest or appeal any decision, the line of
communication shall be as follows:

  1. The CASL President and the CASL Complaints Director.
  2. MSYSA Board.


  1. In the determination of any discipline or protest, MSYSA rules will take precedence over CASL rules and regulations if, and only if, so required by MSYSA.
  2. Only violations of the CASL Bylaws, CASL rules and regulations, and misapplication of the law(s) shall be proper subjects for protest.
  3. The referee’s judgment related to the conduct of the game and prerogatives granted to him by the “Laws of the Game” published by F.I.F.A. – SHALL NOT BE CHALLENGED.
  4. Protests and appeals are to be written and sent to the CASL President and the Complaints Director within five (5) calendar days following the date of the match or league disciplinary problem being protested. The protest or appeal shall be accompanied with a $25.00 fee. If the decision by the person protesting or appealing is not upheld, the fee will be turned over to the CASL Treasurer.
  5. The CASL President and Complaints Director will then meet to determine the appropriate action.
  6. The Complaints Director can, with or without pre-investigation, according to the severity of the complaint, call for a hearing on the complaint or appeal as determined by the CASL Board of Directors.
  7. The CASL Discipline and Appeals Committee shall follow the policies and procedures of CASL; the concepts of due process; and provide a fair, swift, and just hearing to all protests, appeals or disciplinary procedures, and find just resolution.
  8. Suspensions, all disciplinary actions and recommendations, or dismissal of charges will take effect following the ruling of the CASL Discipline and Appeals Committee. Affected parties are to be notified by the Complaints Director within a 48-hour period of said hearing and/or decision.
  9. Pleas of ignorance to these rules and regulations are not sufficient, and violators may expect appropriate action by the CASL Board of Directors. The CASL Board of Directors will determine ANY matters not provided for in these rules and the decision will stand final.


I.1. Uniforms
A minimum uniform consists of a shirt with a clearly visible distinct number and matching team color. Team colors should include matching shirt, short, and sock. Both socks shall be the same color with a single predominant color, but not necessarily the color of the shirt, and must wear the shin guards. Additional clothing may be worn under the official uniform as designated by FIFA. Goalies must wear jerseys of a color different from either team color and referee jersey. When the colors worn by teams are similar, the HOME team must effect a change of colors, which will be distinct from those of the opponent. If a team has two uniform tops, the lighter color uniform should be worn for home games, and the darker color uniform should be worn for away games.

I.2. Equipment
SHIN GUARDS ARE MANDATORY FOR ALL PLAYERS. Regulation soccer shoes (cleats), gym shoes or sneakers are permissible in all CASL competitions. Referees will check cleats to be sure no metal parts are exposed. Jewelry worn is permissible upon the discretion of the referee only. The player may be required to remove jewelry or tape it according to the referee instructions. Players with any type of HARD cast (large or small, padded or unpadded) will not be allowed to play. Players with SOFT splints (air) may play at the discretion of the referee. Approval to play must be given by the referee prior to the start of the match. Subject to approval of the referee, braces may be worn if the hinges are covered and all exposed hard plastic or metal parts do not have any sharp or protruding edges; it is recommended that a padded cover be worn over any brace.


J.1. Field Conditions
The home team provides the field, game ball, nets and corner flags. The home team is responsible for the condition of the field and for having proper markings and equipment. Fields should be clearly marked, policed of dangerous objects, free of potholes, ruts, etc., mowed to height normal for lawns. Nets and corner flags should be installed. Goals must be anchored, to protect against tip-overs. Field and goal size dimensions are as follows:

  • Field size that is 55-65 yards long and 35-45 yards wide and a goal that is a maximum 6.5 feet by 18.5 feet for divisions playing 7v7.
  • Field size that is 70-80 yards long and 45-55 yards wide and a goal that is a maximum 7 feet by 21 feet for divisions playing 7v7.
  • Field size is a minimum 60 x 100 yards/maximum 100 x 130 yards with goals 8 feet high x 24 feet wide for all other age groups.


If a game cannot be played because of poor field conditions directly related to the above items, the game may be rescheduled at the discretion of the CASL Scheduler; otherwise, the HOME team will forfeit the game. In either case, the HOME team will be directly responsible for the referee fees for the unplayed game.


K.1. Scheduling
Coaches will be provided a total of eight games scheduled on arbitrary dates. Utilizing the contact information in Gotsport, coaches will contact their opposing coaches and mutually schedule their own games, submitting the information to CASL via an online form. The CASL scheduler will then schedule the game in Gotsport. Coaches that do not schedule their games by the deadline, or teams that do not have coaches assigned during the scheduling process, will have those games assigned by the CASL scheduler as they see fit.

In order to facilitate a thorough review of schedules, draft schedules may be posted on the CASL Website in advance of the coaches meeting.

K.2. Rescheduling
Once the respective fall or spring season starts, no rescheduling is allowed unless the CASL Scheduler determines that he or she has made a scheduling error that must be corrected or that a reschedule is necessary due to an unforeseen emergency or tragedy.

The Coach who initiates the rescheduling of the game is responsible for the following:

  1. Contact the opposing team’s coach to see if they are willing to reschedule and arrive at a tentative alternate date, time and/or field.
  2. Complete the Game Change Form on the website.
  3. Re-contact the opposing coach once the CASL Scheduler has confirmed the game rescheduling.
  4. Rescheduling fees will be paid via the website and will incur the following fees: $50 if within one weekof the originally scheduled date; $75 if within 3 days of the originally scheduled date; $100 if within 24 hours of the originally scheduled date/time.


It is the responsibility of the CASL Scheduler to:

  1. Contact the Referee Scheduler and ask that the referees be rescheduled.
  2. Confirm to both teams that the rescheduled game can or will be rescheduled.
  3. Notify both teams if a scheduling error has been made and needs to be corrected and work with both teams to identify a mutually agreeable game reschedule.

K.3. Minimum Number of Players
For 11 v 11 divisions, a minimum of seven (7) players constitutes a team for play. A game cannot begin or continue if one or both teams cannot field seven eligible players.

For 9v9 divisions a minimum of six (6) players constitutes a team for play. A game can not begin or continue if one or both teams cannot field six eligible players.

For 7v7 divisions a minimum of five (5) players constitutes a team for play. A
game cannot begin or continue if one or both teams cannot field five eligible

K.4. Games-Cancellations-Postponements.
Soccer games are seldom canceled. Each team must report to the field scheduled unless notified by the CASL Scheduler that the game has been canceled prior to the start of the game.

Upon arrival at the field, the game may be called only by the referee. A game must be called under the following conditions: danger to players (such as lightning hail etc.) or poor field/game conditions (excessive water on the field, improperly anchored goal posts, strong winds, darkness). Any time a weather siren is sounded the game is to be suspended immediately, and the referee must instruct coaches and players to seek shelter. Likewise, any time the referee sees lightning or hears thunder, the game is to be suspended immediately, and the referee must instruct coaches and players to seek shelter. The game is not to be restarted until a period of 30 minutes has passed without lightning or thunder. A game may be suspended for a maximum of 45 minutes. At such time the game will be called. Coaches should also apply these guidelines in canceling and restarting practices.

The only reason a community representative or field coordinator may cancel a game is for the protection of a home field. Notification must be made to the CASL Scheduler at least two (2) hours in advance of the game. Failure to make a good faith effort in notification will result in a $45 fine to the community soccer organization. Notification is defined as email AND text from the Community Rep to the CASL Scheduler.

Upon cancellation of a game due to weather or field related conditions, the home team must contact the away team within 7 (seven) days of the originally scheduled game to identify a mutually agreeable reschedule date. The home team must notify the CASL Scheduler of the agreed upon reschedule date or the failure to reach agreement with the away team within 10 days of the originally scheduled game. If the CASL Scheduler determines that one or both teams is not making a good faith effort to reschedule the game, he or she may recommend to the Board that one or both teams forfeit the game.


L.1. League Standings.
Standings will be computed at the end of the regular season play on the following points basis: Win – 3 points; Tie – 1 point; Loss – 0 points; Forfeit – (-1) point. No play-off games will be scheduled. Any team with a forfeit game will not be allowed to WIN the division championship. In case of ties in point standings the following criteria, in the order listed below, will be used to determine the division winner:

  • Winner of head-to-head competition; provided, that if two teams are tied and they did not play each other during the regular season, they will be declared co-champions.
  • Team with the most wins.
  • Highest goal difference goals for minus goals against, up to a maximum of a 4-goal difference per game.
  • Least number of goals scored against the actual goal count.
  • Penalty point – deduct 2 points for each red card received during regular season play.

L.2. Score Reporting.
The Coach of the winning team or in case of a tie, the home team Coach, shall submit the result. In the event of a forfeit, the team that is not forfeiting shall report the result as a 1-0 win and shall indicate that it is a win by forfeit. The score and standings will be posted to the CASL Web site. Refer to the CASL Web site for instructions on score reporting.

L.3. Guidelines for Team Placement Into Divisions.
Placing teams in divisions with teams of similar ability is the goal of CASL. Performance on the field is the main criterion used for divisioning and will determine placement whenever possible. If a team has no history with the league, then coach recommendations will be considered.

The first step is to establish a CASL Scheduling Committee made up of the Scheduler and two (2) other Board members. The role of the Scheduling Committee is to ensure the league guidelines for team placement are followed, consider coach requests for deviation from the league guidelines, and make a final determination of division placement of teams.

The Scheduling Committee will facilitate placement of teams in the fall season based on the coach recommendation, prior results of the team, history of the club, and CASL Scheduling Committee judgment. The CASL Scheduling Committee has the final say in all divisioning matters.

As a general guideline, the considerations for the placement of returning teams in the spring season include:

Teams Moving Up A Division:

The first and second-place teams in each division will be moved up one division. If they are already in the highest division in an age group, they will remain in that division. If two (2) or more teams tie in points for first or second place, they will all be promoted.

Teams who achieve 65% or higher of the total number of points possible for their division (currently 16 points) will be moved up one division.

Teams cannot be made to move up to an older age group.

Teams Move Down A Division:

The bottom two (2) teams in a division will be moved down one division. If they are already in the lowest division in an age group, they will remain in that division. If two (2) or more teams tie in points, they will all be moved down one division.

The only exception will be if the last place team(s) earn 40% or more of the total points for their division (currently 10 points); in this case, no team from
this division will move down.

Teams that score 25% or lower of the total number of points possible (currently 6 points) for their division will be moved down one division.

The League Scheduler has the absolute right to change team’s declared competitive divisions to properly and fairly place teams in divisions.

In simple terms: Teams who attain 16 points or more will move up a division; teams with 6 points or less will move down a division.

At the discretion of the CASL Scheduling Committee, a team may be allowed to play at an older age group than that of the team’s players. However, teams cannot move to a younger age group. Requests to review the placement of a team may be made in writing (starting with the Spring 2019 season) to the CASL Scheduling Committee. However, only extenuating circumstances such as significant turnover in the team’s roster, loss of coach, the lack of teams for a division, etc. will be grounds to deviate from the divisioning guidelines.